

Fiona Gunn: CEO, Friends of Femili PNG

Fiona Gunn took up the role of Friends of Femili PNG’s CEO in December 2018. Fiona is based in Canberra and provides strategic, operational, policy and program support to Femili PNG. Fiona has a Masters … Read more

Louisa’s story

Louisa* had been experiencing on-going intimate partner violence from her husband since marriage until she accessed Femili PNG’s services. During the client’s initial assessment and intake, Louisa appeared to be severely beaten and had sustained a lot … Read more

Rose’s story

Rose* was physically and sexually abused by her husband. Femili PNG assisted her by moving her to a safe house and later helping her return safely to her home province.

Femili PNG staff stories

Two of our dedicated Papua New Guinean staff shared their stories about their work supporting survivors of family and sexual violence at the Lae Case Management Centre, and what motivates them. Denga’s story (Operations Director … Read more