Femili PNG’s core business is providing case management services for survivors of family and sexual violence. This can involve working with children in situations of heightened vulnerability.
In our approach to children and through our duty of care, we prioritise preventing and responding to incidents of child abuse or exploitation.
Femili PNG has zero tolerance for child abuse.
All staff and representatives are responsible for reporting suspicions, allegations or witnessed incidents of any form of child abuse.
If you need to report a child protection incident, please talk to a Femili PNG staff member or representative immediately. We take all allegations and suspicions seriously and act accordingly.
Our reporting procedure for child protection incidents goes through three levels:
- Femili PNG staff member or representative. Whether reported verbally or in writing, all staff must report allegations or suspicions of child protection incidents to a child protection delegate within 24 hours.
- Child protection delegate. The incident is recorded and the child protection delegate works with management to determine the next steps for investigation or action. These delegates are the two Operations Directors (Port Moresby and Lae) and the CEO/Senior Social Worker of Femili PNG.
- The Executive Management Committee (EMC). The EMC works with the child protection delegate to determine Femili PNG’s response to the incident. The EMC is also responsible for reporting the incident to donors, relevant stakeholders and the Board.
If you do not believe that the situation is being appropriately addressed or are concerned that the child protection delegate is involved, you can contact the EMC directly by email at [email protected]. You can also contact the Chair of Femili PNG directly: [email protected]
For additional information on this, you can refer to our Code of Conduct and Child Protection Policy.