Femili PNG offers case management services to survivors of family and sexual violence and sorcery accusation-related violence in Lae, Port Moresby and Goroka.
If our services are not for you, or we are unable to assist, please consider contacting our partners below.
Common partners
1-Tok Kaunselin Helpim Lain
7150 8000
If you or someone you know is affected by family and sexual violence and would like to speak with a counsellor, please call the toll-free 1-Tok Kaunselin Helpim Lain on 7150 8000 from anywhere in PNG.
This service is open 24 hours, seven days a week, and is operated by Childfund PNG.
Family Support Centres (FSC)
If you need medical assistance, a FSC should be your first stop.
There are a number of FSCs located across PNG, including at the Port Moresby General Hospital, Goroka Base General Hospital, Hela Provincial Hospital and Angau Hospital in Lae. If there is an FSC near you, visit in person for assistance.
Family and Sexual Violence Units (FSVU)
Many police stations in major cities around Papua New Guinea now have specialist FSVUs. These units are trained to deal with family and sexual violence cases. If you need immediate police assistance, or would like to lodge a complaint, a FSVU can be your first point of contact.
Lae Police
7090 3300
If you are in Lae and need police assistance, you can call the 24-hour Lae Police Emergency Toll Free Digicel number: 7090 3300.
Meri Seif Line (G4S)
7222 1234
24 hour transport for survivors to police or safe house in the National Capital District.
National service provider directories
There are many other service providers that may be able to help you. Some of our partners have put together the documents below to help you find support.