Our case management centres have three critical roles: individual case-work; cross-sectoral coordination, training and resourcing; and operations-based advocacy.
Worldwide, it is recognised that management of family and sexual violence requires a criminal justice response, as well as a range of support services. At the service delivery level, linkages between the police, courts, hospitals, women’s refuges and health providers, among others, are required to ensure the effective delivery of a full range of services. Co-ordination across multiple sectors and organisations plays a central role in providing these FSV services.
Recent PNG-wide analysis indicates that while improvements have been made in providing medical and psycho-social care to victims, and advocacy efforts have intensified, there is a gap in relation to case management. While there are various efforts underway, there is a lack of proper resourcing and coordination. Femili PNG’s case management centres build on existing knowledge within PNG, regionally and internationally to develop a replicable, evidence-based, best-practice model for effective FSV case management in PNG.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals

We are committed to the realisation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through our work supporting survivors of FSV.
Gender equality
Our work is informed by the goal of gender equality. FSV and intimate partner violence disproportionately affects women, particularly in PNG where 68% of women have been subjected to physical violence. We are committed to gender equality, both in PNG and globally.
Sustainable cities and communities
The sustainability and safety of the communities where we operate are a focus of our day-to-day work and long-term planning, as is the sustainability of our operations. We actively seek to minimise our environmental impact where possible.
Peace, justice and strong institutions
We actively work to support and strengthen the institutions that we work with, including the local police, judicial system and NGOs. The longevity and capability of these institutions are in both our interests and our clients’ interest, but also the broader community in which we operate. Support can be providing resources where they are not available, developing partnerships, or providing training and professional development opportunities.
Partnership for the goals
Partnerships with government, NGOs, and business is what sustains the work that we do. Our case management is most effective when we develop partnerships with law and justice providers, safe houses for our clients, and businesses for referring employees that may be experiencing FSV. Partnerships are at the core of our services.