Louisa* had been experiencing on-going intimate partner violence from her husband since marriage until she accessed Femili PNG’s services.
During the client’s initial assessment and intake, Louisa appeared to be severely beaten and had sustained a lot of wounds. She was supported by a Case Worker in reporting the abuse to the police. The client’s husband was later arrested and was charged and currently on good behavior bond.
Louisa was provided with a safe accommodation for two weeks and received all the medical care and treatment that she needed while being supported through the process of providing her statement to the police.
Louisa decided she wanted to move back to her home village.
Our Case Worker carried out family tracing and established a network with stakeholders in her home province to provide ongoing support. Louisa relocated there with her two children. She was also provided with a business start-up kit so she could be economically independent and be able to support the needs of her children.
* Not her real name