
Femili PNG Annual Report 2015-16


annual-report-cover-picFemili PNG’s Annual Report for 2015-16 is now available, covering our second full year of operations.

Femili PNG’s vision is to provide effective client services and foster strong partnerships to address family and sexual violence (FSV) in Papua New Guinea.

Some of the highlights of our work towards this vision in 2015-16 included:

  • Assisting 507 new clients and their families to effectively access FSV services and assistance.
  • Conducting 3,547 individual client support consultations.
  • Helping hundreds of clients and their dependents obtain emergency accommodation, Interim Protection Orders, and relocations.
  • Expanding our team in Lae from 12 to 16 staff members.
  • Continuing to work collaboratively with partners in Lae, including by conducting nine case conferences.
  • Providing training to government, international and local NGOs and others, including the corporate sector, supporting an enhanced cross-sectoral approach to assisting survivors of FSV.
  • Gaining significant media exposure, raising the profile of Femili PNG and partner organisations while increasing awareness of FSV in Papua New Guinea.

For full details, download the annual report as a PDF here. Our audit report for 2015-16 is also available on this page.

Femili PNG is grateful to the many organisations that we have partnered with this year, as well as all of our volunteers and supporters.

If you value the work we do, please consider visiting our donate page and setting up a recurring donation to Femili PNG. Your financial support will allow us to continue helping Papua New Guinean women and children whose lives have been shattered by violence.