
Femili PNG Annual Report 2014-15



We are pleased to share our first annual report with our partners and supporters, which highlights our work between July 2014 and June 2015.

Femili PNG’s goal is to ‘improve access to and effectiveness of services for family and sexual violence survivors’. We commenced operations in Lae in July 2014. In our first year, we have established ourselves and made significant steps towards reaching our goals.

You can read more about our achievements in our first year of operations in our first Annual Report, which is now available to download as PDF here (a two-page A3 summary is also available).

In our first year, we have:

  • Hired a team of 12 staff, and set up in Lae.
  • Assisted 376 clients and their families through 1600+ individual consultations so they could effectively access services and assistance.
  • Developed referral pathways with all our Lae partners and signed MOUs with three of them.
  • Helped women and children find refuge in safe houses and provided them with emergency food and other basic needs.
  • Enabled women and their children to start life over through family tracing and assisted relocations.
  • Provided safe houses with assistance to upgrade their premises including a new security fence, a new bathroom, kitchen plus kitchen equipment, and new beds for clients.
  • Provided the district court and provincial police with computers and printers.
  • Run training programs for government, international and local NGOs and others working with survivors of family and sexual violence.
  • Raised more than K200,000 ($A100,000) in donations and gifts.

Read more in the Annual Report, or learn more about how to support our work here.

Our audit reports are also available.

You can also read an interview with our CEO and Operations Manager reflecting on the first year here.