
Soldiers give to Femili PNG

Major Downey and Corporal Cupit handover the cheque to Femili PNG's Denga Ilave and Daisy Plana
Major Dobney and Corporal Cupit handover the cheque to Femili PNG’s Denga Ilave and Daisy Plana

Watson Gabana

Australian Defence Force soldiers stationed in Lae for a six-week training exercise have donated K2,300 to Femili PNG.

The members of the 3rd Combat Engineering Regiment (3 CER), who were participating in Exercise Puk Puk at Igam Barracks, raised the money through several activities.

Corporal Dale Cupit, who led the initiative, said that the donation was raised through after-hour activities including hair braiding, shaving, and dancing.

Daisy Plana, CEO of Femili PNG and Denga Ilave, the organisation’s Operations Manager, accepted the donation from Corporal Cupit and Major Matt Dobney on August 9, 2016.

Eighty-five members of the Phantom Squadron of 3 CER were also there to witness the cheque presentation and listened to Femili PNG staff speaking about the organisation’s work.

“It is sad to say that PNG has one of the highest rates in terms of family and sexual violence issues, but it is also encouraging to recognise that this has alerted many individuals, stakeholders and the government to be more proactive in working together to address this in various ways,” Denga told the soldiers.

Denga spoke about how Femili PNG supports survivors of family and sexual violence (FSV) and the various stakeholders and partners they work collaboratively with.

Major Matt Dobney, Commanding Officer of Phantom Squadron, thanked Femili PNG for addressing FSV issues in PNG. He said although their contribution was modest, the soldiers were glad to give and support what the organisation is doing.

25 Support Squadrons from 3 CER in Townsville were joined by several other Australian Army and British Army members for the six-week exercise at Igam Barracks in Lae. Exercise Puk Puk has been running for 12 years now and rotates annually through the three main PNG Defence Force (PNGDF) barracks. 3 CER brings both PNGDF personnel to Townsville and sends Australian soldiers to PNG. The partnership will continue with Exercise Puk Puk returning to Port Moresby next year.

Members of the Australian Defence Force 3rd Combat Engineering Regiment hearing about Femili PNG's work, at Igam Barracks in Lae
Members of the Australian Defence Force 3rd Combat Engineering Regiment hearing about Femili PNG’s work, at Igam Barracks in Lae, PNG