Through our partnership with the United Nations Development Programme and their COVID-19 Response funding support, Femili PNG was able to assist some of its partners with PPE to help them while operating during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Femili PNG has provided PPE to partners in Lae including the Family and Sexual Violence Units (FSVU), Family Support Center (FSC), Milford Haven Health Centre, Centre of Mercy Health Centre, Lae District court, Morobe Inclusive Education Resource Centre, and the Disability home.
We hope this support can help partners to take care while doing their work and that COVID-19 will not be a barrier in helping survivors of FSV.
Lae FSVU was assisted with hand sanitisers, disposable and reusable face masks and paper towels. Femili PNG Operations Director Ms. Denga Ilave handing over donation to Lae FSVU OIC Sgt. Ruth Murup and Snr. Const. Josephine Sipua. Lae Family Support Center (FSC) at Angau received PPE assistance, which included alcohol-based hand sanitisers, paper towels, and disposable and reusable face masks. Femili PNG Lae Operations Director Ms Denga Ilave and Outreach Officer Corneleah Jajem pictured with FSC staff. Femili PNG Lae Operations Director Ms Denga Ilave handing over PPEs to Milford Haven Health Centre staff to support them in their operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The health centre has been assisting survivors of FSV, and works in partnership with Femili PNG. A basin with pipe connection was given to the Morobe Inclusive Education Resource Centre (Special school) at Eriku in Lae. This is to promote hand-washing and better hygiene for students with special needs during COVID-19. PPEs were given to Centre of Mercy Health Centre to assist during the COVID-19 pandemic. The health centre is one of Femili PNG’s partners which also helps survivors of FSV. The Disability home in Lae was assisted with its water supply reconnection and materials for the connection to ensure our friends with special needs at the home would have access to clean water. This is to ensure hand-washing is made accessible for people with disabilities.