Femili PNG conducted a 3-day sensitization training on family and sexual violence (FSV) to 20 Lae Secondary School teachers. This training was organized upon the request of the Lae Secondary School Principal Mr. Christopher Raymond who saw the need for teachers to be sensitized on FSV and child abuse. Mr. Raymond had participated in a similar training which was previously facilitated by Femili PNG in Salamaua, Morobe Province.
The training was facilitated by Femili PNG Training Coordinator, In-house Lawyer and Case Work Manager from 15th to 17th April at the Lae Secondary School. The topics covered in the training included: Situation of Family and Sexual Violence in PNG, Different kinds of Abuses on Women (girls, boys and men), Different Kinds of Abuse on Children, Related Laws on Children and Women (Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women – CEDAW, United Nations Convention on the Children’s Rights – UNCRC, Lukautim Pikinini Act 2015, and the Family Protection ACT 2013), and Cycle of Violence. At the end of the training, the participants created and presented their action plans which include assessing, identifying and referring students needing assistance from FemiliPNG.
The training was done during the State of Emergency (SOE) period as schools took an early term 1 break due to the Coronavirus confirmed case in PNG. During the training, the participants and facilitators took heed of COVID-19 safety measures and practiced social-distancing. The participants were all very thankful for the training. A few admitted this training was an eye opener for them to change some of their actions.
To formally close the training, Femili PNG’s Lae Operations Director Ms. Denga Ilave emphasized the important role that each teacher plays in educating the future generation. She said, “now that you are sensitized, you have the responsibility to educate your students, families and communities on the issue that is affecting in our country.’’ The Morobe Provincial Education Program Advisor, Mr Keith Tangui and Primary School Exam Coordinator Mr Michael Gerson attended the final session of the training as well as the closing. Mr Tangui also expressed the need to have this type of training incorporated into the teacher’s in-service program so that teachers are informed about FSV and its impact on children, and the related laws.
With the current SOE in place, Femili PNG continues to find ways to carry out its activities, such as case management services and training, while implementing preventive measures in regards to COVID-19.
Thanks to the Digicel PNG Foundation for supporting this training. Femili PNG is supported by the Australian Government in partnership with the Government of Papua New Guinea as part of the Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development program.