This is the story of two girls, Kim and Ali*, who suffered ongoing sexual abuse from their stepfather. For a long time they did not tell anyone because the perpetrator threatened them. Kim, the younger of the two, went through the abuse for almost two years before she learnt that her big sister also suffered abuse.
Their story
Kim and Ali’s parents separated when they were young and their mother remarried and moved to live in the city. Kim lived with her mother and stepfather while attending school. Ali lived with their biological father in the village but had moved to live with her mother. This is when her stepfather started to abuse her. When Kim heard her big sister say that she was abused by their stepfather, she also gained the courage to share the abuse she was going through.
They reported the abuse to the police and both girls were brought to the Family Support Centre (FSC) for medical intervention. After a check-up, they were referred to Femili PNG for further assistance.
Femili PNG’s intervention
Kim and Ali were brought to safe accommodation while the Femili PNG caseworker worked on their case in coordination with other service providers. The caseworker with several partners, which included the FSC, Police Prosecutions, safe accommodation, dental clinic, Police Sexual Offence Squad, Welfare, and the Court, worked closely to assist the girls.
The police arrested the perpetrator and he admitted to the charges. He is currently at Buimo Prison, awaiting his sentence from the Court.
Kim, Ali and their mother were given a business start-up kit to so they could support themselves. Kim and her mother were repatriated back to their village where Kim continued her education, while her sister stayed in the city to work. They were very grateful for the support they received from service providers and Femili PNG, and were satisfied that the perpetrator is now behind bars.
Kim’s message
Kim said that they didn’t know there were services available to help those going through sexual abuse. She said, ‘’being in this situation made us realise that there are services available to help us.’’ She added, ‘’to those going through abuse, do not hide or keep quiet about it, but come out and report to the police, or anyone who can help.’’
Kim said she will pursue her dream to become a pilot. She is happy to be back at school to complete her primary school education.
Get support
If you are a survivor of family or sexual violence in PNG and require assistance, contact us.
If you’d like to help us support more survivors like Kim and Ali, you can donate here.
* Not their real names.