The Evaluation of six years of Femili PNG’s Lae operations has been published. The Evaluation, undertaken by Dr Judy Putt from the Department of Pacific Affairs at the Australian National University, found the key achievements of Femili PNG’s Lae operations to be:
» Being a locally run and supported NGO, with local staff taking ownership and providing leadership, and the creation of a skilled and disciplined workforce.
» Providing improved access to services for survivors, by helping partners do their jobs and demonstrating the value of case management, which results in clients making informed decisions.
» Creating a ripple effect in the local and wider community, with clients and participants in training and outreach activities becoming advocates against family and sexual violence.
The key evaluation questions covered whether the Lae operations of Femili PNG was achieving the organisation’s four strategic priorities, which relate to service delivery and organisational resilience, and the impact it was having on its clients, the local community and more broadly.
The Evaluation involved 40 interviews, mostly face to face, with staff and stakeholders. Femili PNG gave unfettered access to non-confidential information and reports, and provided invaluable statistics from its client data platform.
To download the Femili PNG Management Response to the Evaluation, click here.
Femili PNG is supported by the Australian Government in partnership with the Government of Papua New Guinea as part of the Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development program