Femili PNG coordinated ‘Gender Mainstreaming Training for Health Managers’ from 20-24 March 2017 at Nenege Lodge in Tari, Hela Province. The 24 participants were from the Hela Provincial Hospital and the Hela Provincial Health facilities.
The training gave the participants an understanding of gender, sex, gender equality and gender equity. The facilitator was Mr Sebastian Robert, Gender and Men’s Health Advisor from the National Department of Health (NDoH).
The training is part of a one-year program that Femili PNG is working in partnership with the Oil Search Foundation to deliver. The purpose of the program is to strengthen mechanisms to deliver effective and culturally appropriate sexual and gender based violence services, as well as provide support and mentoring programs in Hela Province.
Femili PNG is also working in partnership with NDoH and the national Family and Sexual Violence Action Committee (FSVAC) to deliver the program.
Two participants shared their thoughts about the training…
Doreen Pius, Hela Information Manager, Hela Provincial Health Authority, Hela Provincial Hospital
“This training has made me realize that considering gender and sex before planning for a program is very important because it will guide us to make wise decisions that will generate a successful program.
Very interesting and educational is what gender is and the elements and components of gender which can be considered. When those aspects are being considered as managers, the chances of a successful program is great.
With that I am very thankful for the opportunity to have attended this very impressive and well facilitated training.”
Rodney Nasnas, Clinical Health Extension Officer, Accident and Emergency Unit, Hela Provincial Hospital
“First and foremost I would like to praise Femili PNG with other partners for choosing Hela because we experience almost all forms of gender based violence every day.
Hela is such a place that men dominate in almost all socio-cultural roles and hierarchical status. This training is relevant and has encouraged me to advocate to other men so that they too can change their approach in seeing things differently when they are gender sensitized also.
Finally, this workshop has helped me to be gender sensitized in any cross-cutting issues on gender implications and human rights elements and components which are relevant when conducting my daily activities either at work or within the community.
It is a divine intervention, thanks to Femili PNG”.