Femili PNG’s Operations Manager Ms Denga Ilave was selected to speak at the US Embassy’s PNG Women’s Forum in March 2016.
The forum is focused on advancing gender justice and economic opportunity for women, and draws from participants from across PNG. Priority for participation is given to women in leadership roles within community and civil society groups, business owners, emerging young leaders, up and coming public servants, and men with a strong interest in women’s empowerment and gender equality.
Ms Ilave said of the event: “It really went well… the theme was ‘Women Empowering Women: Her success is your success’. I was one among three fortunate women to win K1000 for Femili PNG with my participation in an activity during the forum. People approached afterwards saying how impressed they were with the work Femili PNG does.”
This is the second year Femili PNG has participated in the US Embassy’s Women’s Forum event.