‘Friends of Femili PNG’ will be hosting a dinner on Friday 24 February 2017 to raise funds and support for Femili PNG.
In attendance will be two Femili PNG staff members, who will be in Australia on a learning and exchange visit hosted by Canberra’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service.
Come along to hear about our work in Lae and the challenges of addressing family and sexual violence in Papua New Guinea.
Book your ticket now at www.trybooking.com/OFPY
Here’s the details:
Cost: Tickets are $45 and include a glass of wine or beer on arrival and banquet dinner.
Time: 7pm, Friday 24 February 2017
Place: A Bite to Eat, Shop 8, Chifley Place , Chifley, ACT 2606
Thanks to TryBooking who supports charities by donating back the booking fees.