Rosie Batty visited PNG in April 2017 as a guest of Femili PNG. She spoke alongside Papua New Guinean panellists at events at the PNG University of Technology (UNITECH) in Lae and the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) in Port Moresby.
Thank you to Steamships for sponsoring these two public lectures.
You can listen to the audio from Rosie Batty’s lectures below, as well as the fascinating insights provided by other speakers on the panels at each event. Read more about Rosie Batty’s trip to Lae and Port Moresby with Femili PNG here.
UNITECH Public Lecture, 25 April 2017
“Family and Sexual Violence: Experiences and Responses in Australia and Papua New Guinea”, Duncanson Hall, PNG University of Technology, Lae.
Karen Yendetuo, Human Resources Manager, Laga Industries (Steamships representative)

Rosie Batty, 2015 Australian of the Year and anti-violence advocate

Brendon Zebedee, UNITECH student

Denga Ilave, Operations Manager, Femili PNG

Chief Inspector Hove Genderiso, Officer-in-charge, Police Prosecution, Lae

Sheila Harou, Acting Provincial Administrator, Morobe Province

Lucas Kiak, The Voice Inc

UPNG Public Lecture, 27 April 2017
“Family and Sexual Violence: Experiences and Responses in Australia and Papua New Guinea”, Main Lecture Theatre, University of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby.
Speakers at the event included UPNG Vice Chancellor, Professor Albert Mellam; Monica Toisenegila, HR Manager, Transport & Port Services, Steamships; Rosie Batty; Lady Winifred Kamit; Evan Bieso, Femili PNG Case Work Manager; and Lydia Dymokare, The Voice Inc. The event MC was Dr Anna Joskin of UPNG.

Full event audio
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